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Where the future is materializing...

Bulk Chemical Manufacturing

American Elements' catalog of more than 35,000 products makes it the world’s largest manufacturer devoted exclusively to advanced materials in both industrial bulk and laboratory/research quantities. And the company's materials science research & development programs have been a key resource for corporate, government & academic new product development for over a quarter of a century. Our ability to cost-effectively scale lab top successes to industrial scale production has been instrumental to ushering in many of the fundamental technological breakthroughs since 1990 including LED lighting, smartphones, and electric cars.

See American Elements CEO Michael Silver explain the world of materials science to Cory Johnson of Bloomberg News

American Elements Murray facilityAmerican Elements is committed to advancing sustainable technologies and business practices that minimize our impact on the environment to protect the future of our planet. Addressing the challenges presented by the economic growth of the developing world, an increasingly limited supply of natural resources, and climate change is a critical issue that we face along with our customers and communities. By promoting greater eco-efficiency, resource recovery, and the commercialization of emerging green technology, we strive to serve as leaders in responsible environmental stewardship and sustainable development.

Advanced Materials on a Commercial Scale...

Compound Solutions Bulk Packaging

Fundamental expertise in the properties, applications, and cost-effective manufacturing of advanced and engineered materials, including ultra high purity refining (99.999%) and nanoscale materials, allows us to meet the needs of thousands of global manufacturers (including over 30% of the Fortune 50 and all U.S. national laboratories & military branches) in a wide range of industry fields, such as energy, electronics, aerospace, defense, automotive, optics, green technology, and pharmaceuticals. American Elements’ production facilities are fully staffed and equipped to bulk manufacture metals, compounds and crystalline structures in virtually every purity and physical morphology that nature and current technology commercially allow, including (1) all elements other than the elemental gases at ambient temperature and pressure, (2) ultra high purity forms of most metals and compounds, (3) unique alloys and metal parts in countless configurations, (4) complex single phase doped structures using either co-precipitation or calcination/re-crystallization processes, (4) macro, meso and nanoscale powders with highly specific particle distributions, shapes and surface areas and (5) custom grown single and polycrystalline crystal materials of the III-V and II-VI compounds with special orientations, purities and dopants. the Lowest Cost

Building C of Plant--Processing Room

Since our production begins at the mine in our mineral refining and chemical separations operations in China, Mexico and the U.S., your cost will remain as low as your specifications demand. The combination of world class U.S. based research, development, analysis and certification with a fully integrated global manufacturing operation allows us to both certify to the highest possible U.S. standards and at the same time provide materials at the lowest possible world prices.

Living in a material world

American Elements also bulk produces co-developed and customer proprietary formulations from our network of production facilities worldwide. Below are just the technological breakthroughs invented and commercialized by American Elements in the first 2 decades of this century.

See Case Studies of key technologies invented or co-invented by American Elements in just the 1st two decades of this century

From Inspiration to Full Production

Building A of Plant--Thin Film and Deposition Processing Room

Because of the depth of our capabilities, many Fortune 500 companies, as well as university, government and institutional-backed start up ventures, bring us in at the beginning of product development. As a company that began as a private equity funded start up (over two decades ago), American Elements engineers are also trained "Inventologists"; we understand the mindset, drive and facile creativity essential to entrepreneurial innovation and success. We will immediately deliver a wealth of materials experience to your program so you can avoid "reinventing the wheel" or pursuing known dead ends. We will facilitate a cost effective, well-planned and documented ramp up from basic research and development to commercialized tonnage level production, all under the strictest proprietary information controls. Our service, manufacturing and support systems can assist our customers to develop and improve the quality and speed of their production processes through Six Sigma and Lean Sigma initiatives.

We're here for you!

The bottom line is we're here for you. Even if its just a simple question, do call! We are a team of scientists, engineers, production groups, and administrative personnel that sincerely LOVE what we do! When The Big Bang Theory television show called us to advise on laser colors for a shoot, there was clearly no business opportunity. But we were happy to provide the guidance free of charge. All we ask of our customers and partners is reflected in two simple words... Now Invent!™

We wish to thank the many companies who rely on the American Elements Pledge of Quality and Consistency. A few are recognized here.

Michael Silver - American Elements CEO attends G20 MeetingAmerican Elements attends 2012 G-20 Meeting in Cabo San Lucas, MexicoWith a truly global customer base and production facilities in multiple countries, American Elements celebrates the value in diversity of people and thought. We are committed to the principles of equity, fairness, and respect and strive to uphold the highest ethical standards in all aspects of our business practices. We believe that cultivating deep, long-term relationships with our customers and partners around the world helps foster the innovations in advanced technologies critical for solving the global community’s most challenging problems. National laboratories, academic research facilities, and corporations from nearly every industry trust us to deliver the highest quality materials with strict compliance to all local regulations and standards.

The American Elements Academics & Periodicals department sponsors hundreds of academic science and technology conferences every year in support of the next generation of innovators from all parts of the world. Our commitment to inclusion extends to our employees; we respect and welcome talented individuals who bring a range of backgrounds and perspectives to the table, reflecting the diversity of the world in which we operate. American Elements knows that the spirit of invention knows no boundaries, and we are proud to provide inventors with the means to transform their ideas into real-world solutions.

As a privately held company that seeks to place shares with investors and institutions that understand our long term goals, the shareholders of American Elements are a unique group that appreciate that financial performance is only one measure of success. Supporting innovations that improve the lives of all mankind is the primary goal of our managers, directors AND the stakeholders of the company.

American Elements’ supports a value-based management approach that balances the interests of our stockholders, customers, employees and suppliers. Our officers and directors are committed to following sound business practices and strong corporate governance; bringing sustainable solutions to every aspect of our manufacturing and production systems. Continuing improvement plays a key role in this process. Our shareholders’ interests are assured through a diversified portfolio of strategic long term investments in new technology and state-of-the-art plant & equipment.

American Elements CEO and GivePower President Hayes Barnard at the Standing Rock GivePower solar power farmAmerican Elements CEO Michael Silver and GivePower Foundation President Hayes Barnard at the GivePower solar farm on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation, site of the 2016 oil pipeline protestsAmerican Elements places sustainable development at the forefront of our corporate values. We are committed to working towards ensuring economic growth, equity, and shared prosperity while protecting the health of the environment. We provide the building blocks that enable bold and transformative innovations across numerous sectors to advance technological developments in alternative fuels, renewable energy sources, environmental remediation, clean water and sanitation, environmentally sound management of chemicals, and reduction of waste. American Elements strives to lead by example in our promotion of industry best practices in manufacturing, the responsible procurement of minerals, and respect for human rights, the global community, and the planet at large.

Renewable energy sources such as wind, geothermal and solar energy have the potential to supply the world with unlimited power for all, including the least among us. For example, solar energy has the potential to bring power to indigenous tribes living in remote locations so that they can continue to live within their cultural traditions off the grid. Exemplary work is being done by GivePower Foundation installing remote solar farms in Kenya to power a water desalination plant and in Colombia to provide energy to a remote archaeological site. In the Summer of 2019, GivePower installed a solar farm on the Standing Rock Reservation in North Dakota, site of the 2016 oil pipeline protests (see image).

American Elements CEO Michael Silver, Alaska Governor Sean Purnell and Alaska Senator Dan SullivanAmerican Elements CEO Michael Silver, Alaska Governor Sean Purnell and Alaska Senator Dan Sullivan speaking at a green technology conference in Fairbanks, Alaska.At American Elements, our top priority is the health and safety of our employees, our customers, and our communities. Our commitment starts with strict compliance with all laws and regulations designed to safeguard individuals in the workplace, and we take a stringent approach to ensuring that our fully OSHA-compliant facilities are properly maintained and operated. By establishing clear guidelines and expectations, we foster a culture of shared interest in upholding the highest standards of safety and risk management at every level of our organization, standards which extend to our customer base. We readily provide MSDS documentation for all products we supply, and our engineers are always available to give advice on proper handling, usage, and disposal of materials to eliminate any dangers to individuals or the environment.

American Elements strongly supports the policies and intent underlying Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) and has completed all required steps to ensure continued services to our customers within the EU/EEA. For more information, please view our REACH Statement.

Building A of Plant--Laboratory

American Elements adheres to the highest standards across all aspects of our manufacturing, including GMP and LEAN Sigma documented processes where applicable. American Elements production SOPs follow ISO 9002 documentary standards to assure the strictest level of in-process production tracking and control. We are in full compliance with the requirements of the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) to assure uninterrupted service of our products to our customers within the European Union/European Economic Area (EU/EEA).

Our production meets all ASTM and industry-specific standards such as IATF 16949 and CGMP regulations. Our dedication to the highest possible quality control and lot-to-lot consistency is equally matched by our goal to be at the forefront of creating a sustainable planet that continually moves towards improving the human experience for all mankind. Invention is the means of achieving this goal, and American Elements employees are driven to engineer and deliver the basic raw materials of innovation in a socially responsible manner.

American Elements CEO and GivePower President Hayes Barnard at the Standing Rock GivePower solar power farmAmerican Elements CEO Michael Silver and GivePower Foundation President Hayes Barnard at the GivePower solar farm on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation, site of the 2016 oil pipeline protestsAmerican Elements places sustainable development at the forefront of our corporate values. We are committed to working towards ensuring economic growth, equity, and shared prosperity while protecting the health of the environment. We provide the building blocks that enable bold and transformative innovations across numerous sectors to advance technological developments in alternative fuels, renewable energy sources, environmental remediation, clean water and sanitation, environmentally sound management of chemicals, and reduction of waste. American Elements strives to lead by example in our promotion of industry best practices in manufacturing, the responsible procurement of minerals, and respect for human rights, the global community, and the planet at large.

Renewable energy sources such as wind, geothermal and solar energy have the potential to supply the world with unlimited power for all, including the least among us. For example, solar energy has the potential to bring power to indigenous tribes living in remote locations so that they can continue to live within their cultural traditions off the grid. Exemplary work is being done by GivePower Foundation installing remote solar farms in Kenya to power a water desalination plant and in Colombia to provide energy to a remote archaeological site. In the Summer of 2019, GivePower installed a solar farm on the Standing Rock Reservation in North Dakota, site of the 2016 oil pipeline protests (see image).

American Elements CEO Michael Silver, Alaska Governor Sean Purnell and Alaska Senator Dan SullivanAmerican Elements CEO Michael Silver, Alaska Governor Sean Purnell and Alaska Senator Dan Sullivan speaking at a green technology conference in Fairbanks, Alaska.At American Elements, our top priority is the health and safety of our employees, our customers, and our communities. Our commitment starts with strict compliance with all laws and regulations designed to safeguard individuals in the workplace, and we take a stringent approach to ensuring that our fully OSHA-compliant facilities are properly maintained and operated. By establishing clear guidelines and expectations, we foster a culture of shared interest in upholding the highest standards of safety and risk management at every level of our organization, standards which extend to our customer base. We readily provide MSDS documentation for all products we supply, and our engineers are always available to give advice on proper handling, usage, and disposal of materials to eliminate any dangers to individuals or the environment.

American Elements strongly supports the policies and intent underlying Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) and has completed all required steps to ensure continued services to our customers within the EU/EEA. For more information, please view our REACH Statement.

A Dedication to the Advancement of Materials Science Education

American Elements hosts meeting in Hohhot, China between the UCLA Medical Center and the Baotou Medical Teaching CollegeAmerican Elements hosts meeting in Hohhot, China between the UCLA Medical Center and the Inner Mongolia Medical Teaching College

American Elements’ Academics & Periodicals Department provides financial support to materials science and high technology programs at all academic levels, having sponsored more than 1,000 industry and educational conferences over the past 10 years in countries all over the world (see below).

American Elements provides funds to support university-based academic research programs such as the UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability (IoES) in Los Angeles, CA. In 2011, CEO MIchael Silver hosted a delegation from the UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, California to the Inner Mongolian Medical Teaching College in Baotou, China which has led to student and teacher exchanges and the development of a joint AIDS program. American Elements also provides funding to the Pebbles Project, which provides community and educational support to the agricultural communities of the Western Cape of South Africa.

The company's online catalog and compendium of material science data and research is annually viewed by more than 1.2 million visitors and the American Elements twitter account has more than 30,000 followers. In 2011, it co-sponsored with the National Science Foundation a four-part PBS series on NOVA titled "Making Stuff" examining the world of materials science.

Science Programs Funded by American Elements

Supporting the Arts & the Artistic Community

Getty Museum 2016 Art of Alchemy exhibitionAmerican Elements donates materials to the Getty Museum's “Art of Alchemy” exhibitionImage courtesy of the Getty Research Institute

American Elements’ Academics & Periodicals Department provides materials and financial support to museums, conservation departments, art schools and galleries to encourage a deeper understanding of metals, ceramics and pigments (chemical colorants). We have donated materials to the Getty Museum for such exhibitions as “The Art of Alchemy” and to other exhibitions globally. We provide financial support to the Artist-in-Residence programs at many museums and galleries, such as the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles. We have also supported worthy artists with starting raw materials to help them create the aesthetic visions so important to our cultural lives.

2019 Dinosaur Ball gala at the Los Angeles County Natural History Museum

Each year American Elements sponsors the Annual Meetings of the American Alliance of Museums as well as the Association of Academic Museums & Galleries. American Elements CEO Michael Silver serves on the board of several cultural institutions including the Institute of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, the Getty Museum Villa Council, and the Getty Research Institute, is a member of the LAND advisory board, and is a trustee of the Los Angeles County Natural History Museum, where he served as the chair of the 2019 Dinosaur Ball. See photo (left to right) back row: October Gonzalez, Hall of Fame Football Player Tony Gonzalez, Kathy Baxter, U.S. Ambassador Frank Baxter, Dinosaur Ball Chair & American Elements CEO Michael Silver, Dr. Monique Spier, and Getty Center Director of Antiquities Dr. Jeffrey Spier; Front Row: French Counsel General Christophe Lemoine, Music Industry Executive Bill Silva, and Former Twitter CEO Dick Costolo.

American Alliance of Museums logoAssociation of Academic Museums & Galleries logo